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Tuesday, March 31, 2009 ' 6:51 PM Y

iie wil wait fer ur answer
♥ Hold Me Tight, & Nv Lemme Go ♥

Sunday, March 15, 2009 ' 12:46 PM Y

is over uue all wan laught jiu laught am anyting wan

aft iie mit him iie know dat we wil brk wan n realli we

brk liao iie dun wan tis to happen do iie haf one more

chance?iie dunno aft mit him iie asked mxself do iie stil

love him?yes iie stil love him but end up is wat brk?do

uue know wat iie wan?uue dun even know wat iie wan

am realli tried liao all is over n am gone if iie nv reply

ur msg or answer ur cal mean maybe iie at hospital?died?

or MIA but iie hope iie am died but iie just wanna know dat

he got love miie b4 mahx?he got but y he stil wan brk wif miie?

iie dun mind he stil love his ex anot iie dun wanna lose him

aiai sae de is rite is iie choose mxself de wat to do?iie know

dat iie cnnt change him so wat to do?iie mus fang shou tis R/S?

iie lobe him alot n iie dunno why?iie jus wanna b at ur side is dat

very diff?wat ii get is game over iie know ai yi gei ren hen rong yi

wang ji yi gei ren hen na iie msg uue,uue dun wan reply iie oso nvm

is ur hand uue wan reply miie or dun wan reply miie is up to uue not miie

if uue wanna aviod miie go ahead lorhx plus fer wat uue wan to avoid miie?

iie realli dunno iie hope de tym wil go back when de day we std=(

why lao tian wan lykdat to miie?iie know no ppl wil wan miie iie know dat

iie jus wanna sae iie wil wait fer uue to come back realli n iie promise

iie love uue
♥ Hold Me Tight, & Nv Lemme Go ♥
13/3/09 fridae

Wednesday, March 11, 2009 ' 5:08 PM Y

todae he bully miie den iie sae he is a big bully
hahax... den he sae ya onli he can bully miie=(
den iie tel him dat l8r uue bully miie iie cry
den he sae okies dun cry sa yang lols lorhx...
fridae mitin him go watch movie lehx...he sae
watch dunno wat movie the wat man wan dunno
wat movie lai de he sae very funny wan...
den iie sae iie hate uue den he sae iie love ya
den iie tel him uue lvoe miie jiiu cnnt bully miie

iie love uue
♥ Hold Me Tight, & Nv Lemme Go ♥

Tuesday, March 10, 2009 ' 5:48 PM Y

hello every one hehex...
thanks fer de tag worhx...
Ely: how uue n him liao???
Aiai: how uue n him liao???
Cat: ahya dun sae uue,iie haf nth to ask-ed
uue oso hahax...uue realli wan to work dat
job rite?l8r mx std mother bully uue how???
hahax...jokin onli lahx...lax lahx...dun scared

iie love uue n iie wan last long wif uue

LEE WEI LENG uue r miie hehex...
♥ Hold Me Tight, & Nv Lemme Go ♥

Monday, March 9, 2009 ' 2:10 PM Y

LOL am iie stil living???
OMG hahax...iie hope to
last long wif him...hope he oso
lykdat tink lorhx...ta hen ben
hahax...opps sae mx bf ben lols...
l8r he beat mx head Zzz jokin onli

LEE WEI LENG iie love uue
♥ Hold Me Tight, & Nv Lemme Go ♥

Saturday, March 7, 2009 ' 3:12 PM Y

hmmm every ting is fine liao...
hahax...iie wil zhen xi every
ting wan iie ღ him =)

wil rmb tis date n tym 6/3/2009 11.30pm

♥ Hold Me Tight, & Nv Lemme Go ♥

Friday, March 6, 2009 ' 3:28 PM Y

To him,

not iie wan to lie to uue,iie m tried liao
if uue ask fer miie fer stead or iie ask fer uue
fer stead iie wil not hurt uue wan iie promise
uue dat iie wil not iie realli love uue
♥ Hold Me Tight, & Nv Lemme Go ♥

' 2:09 PM Y

To: WeiiEn,

Ah ya no use wan ytd de ting uue rmb?
De en qi wan haiis...he sae wat iie bluff him?
Den he sae dun wan contact miie liao sum
More he sae wat take care dunno lahx...
Ahya iie dunno wat to sae hope nth wil happen bahx...
If anyting happen oso nt his tai ji wat ever ting wil be fine?
Maybe iie wil end at here??good luck fer ur eve ting
And last long wif him lorhx...

To: Every one of mx fren

All de best to uue all, iie dunno wat to sae lehx...
eve ting haf change liao. iie can onli sae if uue guys haf bf de hua jiu last long
if dun haf de hua oso nvm jus b urself hmmm take care every one n keep smile
=0 bye every one

should iie MIA? or should iie end mx life???
OMG iie dunno maybe end mx life?
lve uue oso no use wat iie get is wat???
nth all is nth haiis...

♥ Hold Me Tight, & Nv Lemme Go ♥

Thursday, March 5, 2009 ' 4:20 PM Y

Wat should iie do???
He gan ai but de scare hurt until miie???
iie asked mxself do iie love him???
Yes iie love him but he keep saying he
Not good wat eve fei hua iie realli dunno
Wat to do lorhx...

Ni shi ren wo ye shi ren
Wo you gan qing ni ye you
Ytd nite 10.39pm he told miie
Dat maybe we jus b fren better
Cos iie dun tink uue r de one iie m looking for
Is realli hurt miie alot wat should iie do?

Why eve boi always tink of themself?
Why eve tym is miie de wan???

iie realli very tried liao why iie mus live in tis
World?When iie readin his msg iie flet lyk cuttin
Mxself iie thoug him to tink abt it first den give miie
Answer iie hope dat iie am a crazy ppl so dun nid to
Tink anyting dun nid to haf R/S n others...
They wil nv know wat gal felt abt

Todae iie chao jia wif him abt his fren he was lyk
Wat lorhx...iie realli dunno wat to sae he told miie
Dat if iie dun belive him den dun tok so much liao lorhx...
Aft dat iie msg ask him uue realli wan to make until lykdat???
He sae iie dun belive him wat so zhi hao lykdat lorhx...
If he realli lykdat iie haf onli one word to sae to him dun huo hui

Should iie give up???
But iie haven even wat iie realli
Must give up???
Wo bu fu qi if iie give up lorhx....

love uue
♥ Hold Me Tight, & Nv Lemme Go ♥

Wednesday, March 4, 2009 ' 3:19 PM Y

iie haf read mx aiai blog
iie m sure she can make it
de so aiai jia yo hehex...=)

n miie???way abt miie???
wat iie m waiting???
should iie ask him???
or wait fer him to ask miie???

we mus zhen si eve ting infront
of us???who can tel miie wat
to do???=(

when iie read mx aiai blog iie realli
felt lyk cryin lehx...=(
iie now postin mx blog iie oso
felt lyk cry lehx...haiis...
wat to do???ii cnnt do any ting
oso iie onli can wait wait n wait

iie realli love uue alots
hope to std wif uue but iie cnt =(
♥ Hold Me Tight, & Nv Lemme Go ♥
wat should iie do?


Welcome To

I May Not Be Dat Perfect,
So Don't Judge Me!
I May Not Be The One You're Looking For,
But At Least I Would Care!
And Most Of All I Fell Harder,
Then You'll Even Know,
I Was There Everytime You Needed Me Most.

Click Here
If You Hate Me Or Anything I Wrote Here.

YTh One & Only Me

`16teen Gg 17teen~


♥ Aiai~ Caizhen*
♥ Sisters~ Gans Jies & Gan Meiis*
♥ Family~ Daddy&Mummy&Jiejies&Didi*


X~Ppl Whu Bluff Miie*
X~Ppl Whu Nv Reply Miie*
X~Ppl Whu Brk Promise*
X~Ppl Whu Tok Fei Hua*


*Forget Him!*
*Exam Over!*
*Find A Beta Guy*
*Haf A Long Lasting BGR*
*Be More Happy !*
*More Money ~


Tag Before You Leave! :D

sweet escapesY




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